
Freesites system features

A comprehensive list of features available in the Freesites system. To check any of these out in action, see the demo.

  • Instant setup - no waiting!
  • Create a Mobile friendly website
  • Completely free* website — you don't pay for the design and development of a custom website.
  • Use the domain name of your choice — either your own domain, or order one through us.
  • Absolutely no contracts — stay with us for a month, a year, or a lifetime, whatever suits you!
  • From $13/month, we provide the cheapest high-quality Australia-based hosting around!
  • Free Content Management System (CMS), giving you access and control over your website content 24/7
  • Fast help through our support forums.
  • Create, edit, save, preview and delete unlimited pages. You can also organise your pages into sections, using subpages and sub-menus. Just set your site up the way you want it, and the site menu will automatically update.
  • You can upload your own images from your computer into your private online image bank, then use them in any of your pages.
  • A growing selection of professional website designs to choose from. Click here to view the current range of templates available. Feel free to make a suggestion via the Forum! We're always open to new ideas.
  • Change your site design template at the click of a button, as often as you like!
  • Custom templates are available on request.
  • We don't run any advertisements on your site — that would just spoil the professional look!
  • You can control your own title and keywords for every page of your site to optimise your site for search engines. Even use your own CSS if you are an advanced user
  • Extra features are all available under the "Add-ons" area. Some we are able to provide for free, and others we offer at amazing value for money.
    • Online Shop (+ $10/month) — the cheapest way to start selling your products online! Integrates with your Paypal account for processing payments.
    • Image galleries (Free) — add as many images as you like! You can also organise your images into categories.
    • Online contact form (Free) — the best way to let people email you via the website, without exposing your email address to "spam bots"
    • Blog (+$5/month) — with all the usual blog features, but with the benefit of having your blog right there inside your site!
    • And more! Log in to the demo to view the full list.
  • Something missing? If you have any requests or suggestions, we're all ears — just drop us a line in the Forum!

So why not give it a go? Even if you're not sure, but you have decided you are going to get a website, why not start with Freesites? You would have to register a domain and pay for hosting anyway, so there is nothing to lose!

Try the demo Sign up

* What do you mean by "Free website"?

The actual website is free, meaning that you don't have to pay for the design and development of the website itself. We also provide the Content Management System (CMS) to you at no charge. There are a couple of other associated costs with having a website however, which we have endeavoured to provide as cheaply as possible; namely the hosting (from $13 per month), and the domain registration (eg., $60 for 2 years). There are optional extras such as email boxes, template customisations, and some add-ons which will also incur extra costs, but we will always advise you of these before proceeding.

Easy to use, cost effective and local. Don't need to be web savvy to have a great website

Melanie Schroder

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